Academic Integrity for CIFP Students
Students enrolled in a program of study sponsored by the Canadian Institute of Financial Planning are expected to conduct themselves with a high standard of academic integrity in all aspects of their studies. The International Center for Academic Integrity defines academic integrity as a ‘commitment, even in the face of adversity, to six fundamental values: honesty, trust, fairness, respect, responsibility and courage’.
Academic integrity—and integrity, more broadly—takes on even greater importance and relevance given the nature of your education through CIFP. For most CIFP students, our programs of study revolve around your role, or future role, providing financial advisory and/or financial planning services to Canadian investors. These roles demand the highest standards of honesty, objectivity and integrity to ensure you are meeting your obligation as a CIFP credential holder to place the interests and needs of your clients first and above all other interests—including your own interests.
CIFP views a breach of academic integrity as a serious offence. Actions that are considered academically dishonest and therefore, a breach of academic integrity, include (but, is not limited to) copying answers from another student on a formal assessment or examination, sharing answers to formal assessments or examinations with other students and being in possession of or accessing materials that have not been directly provided to the student by CIFP or an authorized agent of CIFP.
Depending on the seriousness of the breach of academic integrity and the circumstances surrounding the violation, CIFP reserves the right to impose penalties on the student. Sanctions may include a warning letter, a reduction of the course/examination grades achieved by the student or a suspension or expulsion of the student from the program of study. These sanctions may be accompanied by a notation of the breach on the student’s transcript and/or permanent record.
CIFP also reserves the right, at its discretion, to disclose information regarding breaches of academic integrity, and unethical behavior in general, to employers or prospective employers following a fair, impartial and transparent hearing into the matter in which the subject of the hearing can participate fully.
CIFP Examination Policies
All students must abide by the CIFP Examination Policies.